Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Kelley Baker

I am so glad that my bouncing into animation meant bumping into you at Teknifilm Labs. It sure was a blast being the lab rat with folks like you around working on My Own Private Idaho. And the sense of humor is just as I remember. It was your Toyota film that made me a fan. Keep on keeping on neighbor! I mean that in a Tim Allen kind of way!

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Thanks man. Just trying to do our best. I'm also glad that we met at Teknifilm so many years ago. Take care and keep doing what you're doing. Sincerely, Kelley

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Great article, Kelley! When you finish your next projects, would you consider touring with them again, or do you think the market has changed too much? Also, I can't remember, did you ever try to get sponsorships from companies or non-profits? I think the only person I know who still tours with his films now is Dan Mirvish, but he seems to only play arthouse theaters and I think gets paid to bring his films there.

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Thanks for your comment Jim.

I'm not sure if I'll ever tour again, at least not the way I used to. I'm sure I could put something together and do okay financially based on all of the people I know from those previous tours and the fact that I still get emails asking if I'm going out again.

The real issues for me these days are, my age (I'll be 68 in July), my health and stamina (which is good), and I'd have to get another vehicle because the old van is pushing 300,000 miles and I'm not sure it could do another long trip. To get the van in shape to do another tour would probably be really expensive.

I've had sponsors in the past but they were more into giving me products and not money. Yes a lot of people paid me to bring my films and teach workshops but at the end of the day they were usually just enough to off set my costs. I was still just getting by because of the expense of touring.

The real kicker for me though is knowing that the path in front of me is a lot shorter than the path behind me. When I'm on the road I can't work on anything else I have to concentrate my energies on the day to day stuff.

Right now I am choosing to stay home and create. I have so many things I want to accomplish while I still can. It's more important to create at this point then to promote if that makes any sense.

With all this said, "Never say never". At some point I just might miss the road and all of the friendships I've made over the years and decide one more time...

I hope all is well my friend. Take care.

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