I think the hard part of DIY is connecting with an audience for one's work. Social media helps, but there needs to be more efficient tools to use.

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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Kelley Baker

Once again Kelly the truth about independent is no bureaucracy both agents and publishers deal with EGO. Our world with the help of technology has made it much easier for us to interact directly with our markets, less middle men. Yes it takes lots of time and many interviews with podcasts and what not but today's times actually puts everything in your hands. While it can be frustrating it is also inspiring. True independents can approach things in new ways... you know the roadless traveled kind of approach. I feel sometimes that going through the big guys never is about your message and more about how much money they can make... don't get me wrong we all want to make money but I find big companies are all smoke and bluster with no real awareness of how the market is changing. It's like trying to do a quick 360 turn with the Queen Marry almost impossible. Everything now is just a click away so it really is now up to you and how creative you are with how you present your materials. I grew up in Aspen with lots of big names and what I learned was there is no substitute for hard work and passion.

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It is truly about hard work and passion. If you don't have the passion and not willing to put in the hard work you will probably go nowhere. I hope all is well my friend. Take care.

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