I'll never forget the first time I met you, when you were on tour (maybe in 2005?) and showed "Kicking Bird" in Omaha, I noticed that people were buying a lot of dvds after the screening (I bought a bunch then too). This taught me the importance of having physical media available to purchase at public screenings of my movies. Through the years, I've realized that most people won't buy a dvd for the movie that just screened, but if they like it, they'll buy dvds of older movies they didn't know existed before then. Does this still apply in 2024? I'm not sure. But I still have (and cherish) all of your dvds, so thank you.

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I remember meeting you as well. We had a nice conversation outdoors somewhere. And we've been friends ever since. I loved what you did with your Bug Eaters doc. I believe you sold a lot of DVDs of that one. I don't know if physical media means what it did or still sells in 2024. It's been a long time since I've been on the road. I hope all is well my friend. Take care.

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